When will the ‘Professional Profile’ become a ‘Professional Lifestyle’?


We are used to the humorous side of unprofessional things we do online, typified by the recent Barclays Digital Eagle Adverts.


It’s tupacaintdead69@hotmail.co.uk…

We are all now, whether we know it or not – building a professional online profile. Only a digital madman would post anything erring on the controversial side. The days of stirring up a hot debate on Facebook with an edgy status are gone. Unless it’s a fashionable Guardian Article slamming the Government, you’re not likely to see much Political fracas online – never mind blatant racism in the Ms Sacco case.

As we’ve discussed on my blogs recently, nothing you do online is deleted. With GCHQ with ‘Project Karma‘, building an online profile of you using your accounts. Where even websites such as Pornhub and other Google searches attributed to you by the spying agency. Where they gather over 60 billion pieces of data about our online habits each day.

This need for privacy and professionalism online wasn’t thought of in futurology, I think one incident sums it up perfectly: Google Glass Bar Fight.
Online, we have a choice to go online or not, but by being recorded by other people and having normal life digitized, we lose our true freedom of expression.

Having a professional online profile is very important – you don’t want to offend or put people off from hiring you, where you also want to be able to show off your abilities. But I think that is where the building of the professional profile should stay – in cyberspace. We shouldn’t become enslaved by the vision of a professional image in sacrifice of everyday liberties we take for granted.

So yes, I do think that changing your email account from footymadmatt@live.co.uk to mattbaker@live.co.uk is a reasonable change. So too is creating a LinkedIn profile.
Creating a your own Digital Brand, is a good and effective way of doing this. So simply for me, I signed up to a website to make all of my online profiles have the same photo. This is a first step in creating your online brand – making your pages uniform and unique to you.


Could you be spied on using technology?

But these steps is where it should end, I think the future of wearable technology presents a change. Online we are accountable for what we do online, as anyone can see it. But what we say between friends isn’t. Which raises the question, with all the new technology in wearables coming through, will we now have to behave as we do online in our day to day lives?

An interesting video to dwell on about digital usages.

Image Sources:
http://www.deviantart.com/art/back-To-The-Future-482544203 by Steve Conman

http://www.barclays.co.uk/digitaleagles video screenshot.

http://www.007.info/?doing_wp_cron=1446496646.4138340950012207031250 Copyright by James Bond International Fan Club